Monday, November 22, 2010

Global warming strikes again.

Nasty business with the weather; we got a foot of snow Saturday night. One big problem is that the temperatures haven't really been cold enough to drop all the leaves, so the snow is building up on trees, and I expect quite a few broken branches around the valley.

Picture 1 This is a tree in front of my house (you can see my mailbox in the lower left corner)
Picture 2 This is my driveway, as seen from the center of the street
Picture 3 The birds are out of luck
Picture 4 My neighborhood, looking to the west

Click to enlarge

This stuff would be of more use up in the mountains; down here it is just a PITA.


I imagine everyone has heard quite a bit about dissatisfaction with TSA; it seems like they like hiring idiots, bullies, and goons.
If you want to really get pissed off, take look at this. Check me if I'm wrong, but when the TSA does stuff like that, shouldn't it be considered a health hazard? Seems to me that the asshole who checked the passenger should be fired for something like that; there is NO excuse for that sort of bullshit.


Any favorites in this bunch of tunes?

"Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty
"A Hazy Shade of Winter" by Simon and Garfunkel
"Flight of the Bumblebee" by Al Hirt
"Shot of Poison" by Lita Ford
"For My Lady" by The Moody Blues
"Walk Away Renee" by The Left Banke
"Find Another Fool" by Quarterflash
"When God-Fearin' Women Get the Blues" by Martina McBride
"Lawyers, Guns, and Money" by Warren Zevon
"Alone" by Heart

This one always cracks me up

One of my favorite songwriters; the late great Warren Zevon

One of my favorite groups of the eighties.


NotClauswitz said...

You got hit by the stuff that bowled us over - it's been a wet week.

meleah rebeccah said...

Yikes. I am NOT looking forward to the snow making it's way to NJ!

theirritablearchitect said...

Alone and Free Fallin'.

Two of my favorites.

James Higham said...

I'm so jealous - all that beautiful snow.

BobG said...

DirtCrashr: wet and cold here

Meleah: Hopefully you won't get hit as hard as us.

Theirritablearchitect: some of the better songs of the eighties.

James: you can have the snow; it is obnoxious for driving, and it is cold here; right now at almost noon it is 17º, and that is Fahrenheit, not Celsius.

terri said...

Looks like you got the same weather we had just a week earlier than you!