Monday, July 24, 2006

Concerning wheelguns

Over at the Pistolero's blog there was a bit of a discussion about being old-fashioned; I've always had a fondness for revolvers, and some of my oldest memories are of shooting them before I was old enough to read. I decided to post some of my Rugers here. The grips may look odd on the single-actions, but I had to put some oversize grips on them due to the fact that most wheelguns tend to be made for people with narrower hands than mine. The double action is a Redhawk in 44 mag, the long-barreled Super Blackhawk is 44 mag, and the shorter barrel gun is a Blackhawk in 45LC.
Click thumbnail for larger picture.

I may post pictures of some of my other guns later.


the pistolero said...

Those are some beautiful grips on that Blackhawk. If I remember right, Hogue makes some like them for the GP100 as well. I'd love to get some eventually, but they're just a bit much right now...

BobG said...

Got all of them from the same place; there is a guy that sells nothing but grips for just about anything that comes around at our Crossroads of the West Gunshow that we have several times a year. He has a huge selection of just about anything.

GUYK said...

I used to have a Super Blackhawk .44 mag but could hit the side of a barn with it if I was inside the barn. Not the weapons fault..all mine. I am still a much better than average shot with a decent rifle and will usually hit the bull more than a circle and can still know a quail out of the air with my scatter guns. But I just never was much of a pistol/revolver shot. Like to try though. I am thinking about getting a decent pellet gun to practise with to maybe learn to be a half way decent shot with a hand gun. Maybe I will...

BobG said...

I found that shooting 44 specials helps; it is easier to practice more without wearing out your hand. Switching over to mags is no problem after shooting the specials for a while. I have some loads in 44 special that are as mild as shooting 38 wadcutters when shot from my SuperBlackhawk. The 7.5" barrel is good for accuracy, and is excellent for hunting.