"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object."---Thomas Jefferson
Want something that will go anywhere, and have a carbon footprint the size of a T.Rex? You might need one of these:
A Humvee that converts to a boat in 5 seconds, and has the global warming people wetting their pants in even less time. I remember something like this in a couple of James Bond movies, but this is even cooler.
Do you remember back in the 60's they had a Amphibious car. I doubt it was as cool as this but I saw a couple with props in the back and you just drove it into the water. It was very cool in the 60's
I could use one of them here. Don't know if you hear about stuff like that your side of the pond, but much of England is, well, very much UNDER the pond rather than on the right side of it at the moment.
Like it, cool as fuck.
Don't tell the Green People. I want one. I wonder if it'll slow enough to Bass fish.
I guess if you put it in low gear and let it idle you could use it for trolling, LOL.
Do you remember back in the 60's they had a Amphibious car. I doubt it was as cool as this but I saw a couple with props in the back and you just drove it into the water. It was very cool in the 60's
While I go make Al Gore cry, you go collect your award.
What can I say, but "UNBEFREAKINLIEVABLE!"
Oh, and , "Cry your heart out, Sierra Club!"
Where's the .50 cal? It looks naked without one.
Needs a rack on the back for a couple of trench-digging earth-rending Gaia-screeching two-stroke dirtbikes. :-)
Now that is my kind of ATV. I could have used it out in Oklahoma last month when the floods had all the boat ramps closed
I could use one of them here. Don't know if you hear about stuff like that your side of the pond, but much of England is, well, very much UNDER the pond rather than on the right side of it at the moment.
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