I have been given an award by fellow blogger
Nyx. I am not sure if I can live up to it, but I feel touched that someone considered me to be worthy of such.
"This award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you.
Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.”
Here are the rules for this one:
1. Copy this post (meaning the rules).
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Put the award icon on your site.
The thing about a source of love and being a Godly example isn't really my thing; I am a longtime agnostic, and most of my encouragement has just been the reading of their blogs, rather than active encouragement on their part. They are all people who make me think, and whose words I enjoy reading. With that in mind, these are some of the people who I enjoy reading.
I think the first one I would have to list is the late
Acidman of Gut Rumbles. This was a person who was read by many, and both liked and disliked by a lot of people. He was a prolific blogger, posting several times a day. It was through reading his blog that I first started toying with the idea of posting my own blog. I never got to meet him, but wish I could have done so.
Marko the Munchkin Wrangler is an inspiration to those who value freedom. He writes well constructed posts on politics and life in general, and does some very noteworthy stuff, such as his essay on concealed carry. Definitely a thinking person's blog.
I first started reading
GuyK at CHARMING, JUST CHARMING after reading his comments at Gut Rumbles. He has a laid back relaxed view of life (after a couple of rants in the morning upon reading the news), but is not lazy. He manages to stay busy, but doesn't let life push him too much.
One of my first reads in the morning is to check on
Tamara's View from the Porch. Reflections on history are common, and usually with a mixture of sarcasm and wit where required. She is always a joy to read, and teaches the proper employment of snark.
I first discovered
"Scully" at Skywriter about a year ago, I think. She does serious writing that flows easily, it evokes images and memories, and makes me wish I could write that well. A combination of intelligence, education, and experience, her posts are always good to read. She also has a subtle, almost dry sense of humor when commenting that can be hilarious.
There are a lot of reasons to read the people listed, these are just a few of my reflections on them.